Today I spent a very meaningful 4 hours rehearsing and singing with my choir for Good Friday Mass. Was such a beautiful time. My thoughts kept going to Christ's suffering and death on the Cross, and His humility.
There can be no compassion without suffering, there can be no humility without humiliation, and there can be no resurrection without death. I look back at the past few years and I see suffering and humiliation in my life, and the "death" of much that was good in me.
As Easter approaches, and we are reminded of the resurrection of Christ and the Spirit that brought Him back to life, I can't help but think of all that needs resurrecting in me.
May all that is good that has lain dormant, wilted or withered away, come back to life. May all that is good thrive again in the rich soil of a heart awakened afresh to the grace of God and His loving mercies, which are new every day. May a heart that once lay crushed and broken be healed anew yet again, and find comfort in the loving sacrifice of a Saviour so precious that while everyone abandoned Him, he set His heart and mind and will to the task ahead.
To die a painful death on the Cross for all mankind, including tiny, insignificant me. No greater love can any man have for another than to die for him. Nothing I have endured in my life can possibly compare with His suffering. May such knowledge of the very Son of God's humiliation bring a deep humility to my heart and life, coupled with a fresh compassion for those who suffer.
Christ suffered, died and rose again. Every Easter I remind myself to remind myself that after winter comes spring, and likewise, in the seasons of my life, every phase of suffering, humiliation and "death" leads to resurrection.
Lord, may I know the power of your resurrection, and even if my sufferings were not for you per se, let them yield good fruit in my life, trusting that Your will be done in all things in my life. Transform me more and more into your likeness, Lord, so that I may reflect your compassion, humility and love. So hard to do but the best things in life are never easy.
May all that is good that has died come alive in you this Easter season too. Blessings to all who read this. You are the Beloved of God.
Thanks for reading,
6 days ago